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  ΤΗΛ: 210-6657343 / totalstation

Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Οδοστρωμάτων / ΣΔΟ-PMS

A Pavement Management System (PMS) is a decision making process or system that helps public works personnel make cost-effective decisions concerning the maintenance and rehabilitation of their jurisdiction's pavements for which they are responsible in a systematic way.

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Many people refer to a set of software programs as the Pavement Management Program. This is really a misnomer, since the software does not manage pavements or make decisions. The personnel in the organization manage pavements and make decisions; the software only assists in information management and decision support. Pavement Management Programs provide a means to organize the massive amounts of data that develops about a pavement network. When the data storage and analyses are automated, a PMS stores data, retrieves data, makes multiple complex calculations quickly and efficiently, and provides results in easily understandable reports. 

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Δήμος Ζωγράφου

Δήμος Ιλίου

Ολυμπία Οδός

Μαλιακός Κλειδί (ΠΑΘΕ)


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